We recently ushered in three new Artists in Residence at our Grand Center location! Ceramicist
Rachel Akin, Fibers Artist
Mindy Sue Wittock and Metals Artist
Gwen Oulman-Brennan.
Gwen Oulman-Brennan earned a BFA at the University of Iowa in painting in 1998. After moving to St. Louis she studied Painting at Fontbonne University where she earned an MFA in 2006. As the subject of Gwen’s work became less about the imagery and increasingly more about the materials she was using in her paintings she began to explore small metalwork. Her painting materials ranged from concrete and metal to silk and glycerin. Her instructors at Craft Alliance opened the door to working with metal which inspired her to apply to graduate school to further study Jewelry + Metalsmithing. Gwen completed her masters degree at the Rhode Island School of Design in the spring of 2009.
Some of her recent work explores the act of breathing. Some of her pieces inflate by breathing into them, others explore the aesthetics of the air-flow in and out of our bodies. We recently did a quick interview with her!
How many years have you been a metals artist?I can't remember a time that I wasn't a maker. I have moved and continue to move between 2D and 3D mediums. It was more than fifteen years ago that I took my first jewelry and metals class, a lost wax casting course. Over the years I came to think of myself primarily as a painter. It was five years ago as I was finishing my MFA in Painting that I noticed my interests shifting away from the imagery and towards the materials. It was around this time that I began taking classes at Craft Alliance. These classes would eventually lead to me to return to school to study jewelry and metalsmithing at the Rhode Island School of Design. A metal artist , maybe only for the last three years but my work is informed by a lifetime of making and material exploration.
Describe the work you are making or hope to make during your time at Craft Alliance:While in Rhode Island my work focused on breath. I focused on making visual the intimate and communal act of taking air into our bodies and releasing it. The concept I start with is really just that - a starting place - a way to ground my work- parameters in which to create around.
In these first few weeks at Craft Alliance I have begun a new exploration - one of a kind knots and tangles. The pieces I have begun are carvings of shoes strings in bone. I plan to spend these next few months exploring knots through materials like stone, metal, and bone.
I am also continuing a small production line of jewelry that I designed highlighting the facets of a gemstone. By making wax impressions of gemstones I've created "settings" of the absent stone.
What inspires your work?I am inspired by the everyday and familiar. By exploring an idea over time and through a variety of materials I discover unexpected and new connections that continue to fuel my work. It is these material discoveries and synthesizing of ideas that continue to inspire me.